Aww… THIS is literally the last thing you want to go through when you are single – the sweetest, the most pinkish day of the year with surrounding you everywhere heart shaped products and men walking around with flowers on the streets. Sure – it’s nice when you have somebody to celebrate it with. But what if you don’t?
Sju tries to answer this question with her new song “Valentine”. We publish it on the 15th of February aka the “Single Day” on purpose.
“This song is about being alone on Valentine’s day and a reminder that there is always this one special person you can go on a date with.” ~ Sju
SJU, also known as the drummer for ORA THE MOLECULE ,will take you on a journey from Eastern European dystopia to a new Imagined Utopia with her creamy electronica.
An Ode to the post-calamity generation, spoken in a childlike guise of playfulness and innocence, a song and dance embracing the idealistic realisms of life and awaking an ethereal tribalism within.