Emeryld, Los Angeles based artist announces her new EP ‘Bloodline’ planned for January 2023. The title track ‘Bloodline’ definitely promises a hella great album! We’re sold if the rest of the EP will serve us with such beautiful bass lines and vocals.
‘Bloodline’ is about poking fun in a slightly campy & playful way at how a potential suitor’s performative actions when trying to be noticed often come across as cringe, embarrassing but nonetheless entertaining.
I think a lot of our habits and ways of being trace back to childhood. It’s inherently in our blood line, but the cool thing is we can practice unweaving ourselves from the webs of habit that don’t serve us. It takes work to become the version of ourselves we would admire that feels authentic and enough. Bloodline on the surface, is honestly blaming everyone else and their predisposition and realizing my tangled webs through the process.