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Loosing yourself with Anya Baghina

Anya Baghina is an indie pop artistis excited to share “It’s Clear To Me”, the second single from her upcoming self-titled album. Born in Moscow, Russia, Anya was growing up in various cities in USA to eventually come back to Russia as an adult and then relocate to Kazachstan, where she is based now. 

“It’s Clear To Me” represents losing yourself while clinging to someone who has no interest in you. Toxic attachments become addictive, and their push-and-pull nature makes the relationship more enticing.

“In my childhood, I didn’t grow up around healthy relationships, and I had to overcome a lot of baggage to get to a healthy place. Having lost my mother, I felt so alone and desperately looked for someone to lean on. When you’re excited about someone, and you really want it to work, you forget about the red flags. It shows the mindlessness of this experience while subconsciously understanding that “it’s killing me”.

~ Anya recounts her inspiration


When discussing the video for “It’s Clear To Me”, Anya Baghina writes:

“We see a romanticized version of someone falling for us, represented by a heart-shaped balloon. Ultimately, the balloon pops just as it is caught, like the idea of someone that was largely made up. Three animators worked on the video, Alesya Pavlova, Natasha Bobryakova, and Janovich, and the video was edited by Anton Imbro. The idea and direction were conceived by Aleksei Salomatin. Along the way, I was involved in editing the video as well.”