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What is Indie music & why do we love it so much?

When people used to ask me the question “What kind of music do you listen?” I always answered Indie. “But what is Indie music?” – I heard back. “Well, indie pop, indie rock, indie electro. Everything what is Indie catches my ears”. Not sure if this answer satisfied people but it’s true. At OpenCall we love Indie. 

E v e r y t h i n g Indie!

Let’s show you what means Indie Music. Listen to our newest playlist with fresh indie releases received via our partner in crime – Submithub. If you’re an artist and would like to share some good stuff with us – submit below, we are probably waiting for you!

Awkward St8 – Better In Person

Hubbell Benson – ‘Cept For Him


Hazlett – Hesitate

Business Cashmere – Dance Alone