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OpenCall Discovers Music: THE DEATHRAY DAVIES


The Deathray Davies the garage rock band is back after 15 years!

15 years, that’s how long it took The Deathray Davies to release new music. The band is back not with just one single but with the whole album and that’s what makes it perfect. Let’s just say the members of The Deathray Davies have used this time apart wisely and are ready to return on the 12th of February with the aptly titled album Time Well Wasted (State Fair / We Know Better Records).

“I quickly wrote 13 songs in a row, realizing right away that they were DRD songs. I sent demos to the band, asking if they wanted to jump back in. Right away, everyone wrote back “HELL YES!” A 15 year nap…suddenly we’re awake.”


Despite taking over a decade off from the band, each member of The Deathray Davies has been busy creating and performing and touring. John Dufilho continued to create and put out records under his own punk rock band CLIFFFS. He and Jason also toured with well known The Apples In Stereo and The Polyphonic Spree

‘Oh Stars’ the single announcing their forthcoming release is a very solid pop-rock piece. The song charmed us with peaceful, deep vocals, and guitar riffs at times resembling The Arctic Monkeys riffs. ‘Oh Stars’ is a song you can repeat over and over again and not get tired of it. You could actually use it instead of your daily meditation and it would probably do as much good.