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Open Call for Zines and Publications – TIFF Festival 2020 // Processes


How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Virus
Open Call for Zines and Publications

27th July-17th August

How not to go crazy in the face of an overwhelming crisis?
How to deal with home isolation, and turn a growing frustration into a creative frenzy?
Can fear be an ally in overcoming one’s own weaknesses, and could boredom possibly be weaponised in the fight against social injustice? Organisers of TIFF Festival inform:

‘We are looking for publications / zines / book dummies, created during the pandemic. A selection of them will be presented in the Publications section of the TIFF Festival in Wrocław on September 2-6. We are interested in how human creativity allows us to survive in the face of the invisible threat of the virus. We are primarily looking for personal stories, spontaneously created photographic notebooks, as well as documentation of social moods and protests’

Authors are kindly requested to fill in a short form and attach a few preview photos. Several titles can be entered into one form (after the decimal point).

Interested creators are kindly requested to send a short form, available here >>>

They are waiting for your submissions until August 17th. Please don’t wait until last moment, as we will be contacting selected authors soon after we preview the publications, in order to arrange the shipments on time.

curators: Casper Grey, Franek Ammer