Deanna Petcoff has a voice you won’t be able to forget. Mixing infectious melodies with charming, humorous songwriting will win the hearts of many this year. Indie rock queen is announcing her new single Failing Upwards that definitely won our hearts! This upbeat, incredibly catchy piece seems to be perfect for any situation; break-up, road trip, romantic gateway, lonely walk…you name it! The music video for Failing Upwards sees Petcoff escaping it all in a convertible, playing her guitar on a beach, framed by a thunderstorm, and smiling through it. Petcoff explains the genesis of the single saying:
”Failing Upwards” wasn’t supposed to be a happy song. At the time I was trying to make a relationship work that clearly wasn’t working with someone I was really in love with. I felt like every choice I had made and continued to make was the wrong one and that everything I did just added more fuel to a growing fire. When I was writing “Failing Upwards” I was thinking about my journey as a woman falling in and out of love. This is a song about not being at your best, but doing better than before.
Playing her own unique brand of beautiful and confessional indie rock, Petcoff excels with heart-on-her-sleeve, emotive lyricism that showcases her strength as a songwriter and a vocalist. Failing Upwards is a shimmering track with a jangling, surfy chorus guitar riff that really makes it shine, an ode to falling in love hard and fast and reevaluating that emotion after those heady initial days pass. It’s a song about not being at your best, but doing better than before.