After seeing Metronomy in Alexandra Palace in London, full of energy and a little buzzed, I decided to check what was happening on our music submission list. And to my surprise, Universe sent me the perfect song for this occasion. Walking 2 miles to the nearest tube station I played a new single by Josa Barck ‘Bedsheet Exit’ and immediately started dancing like there was no one watching (In fact they were but who cares). I was taken back straight to the 80s that I don’t even remember as a 90s child. The moves were there in me like I was on a movie set that I was preparing for. So, if your heart’s desire is to start dancing like immediately I recommend you to listen to this track where Super Mario meets Talking Heads.
Josa shares:
I decided a long time ago – that the purpose for me, to make music, had to be to lift the spirit of the listeners and try to remind them of all the beauty in the world. I strive to encourage the people in my life through my own actions – and therefore also through my music. I don’t think we can change the world if we only focus on what is wrong with it – We have to see all the beauty in it, to encourage us, and to give us something to fight for. My ground rule is that I cannot emphasize problems without presenting a way out, a more positive angle of approach – or maybe even a solution.
The song deals with the thought of planning your own escape, and actually going through with it. A feeling probably most people can relate to at certain points in their life. The pressure of being successful and worrying about what everybody thinks, can mount up, become too heavy – and plant a seed for the dream of just running away from it all.
To another town – in another country – and a new life. To Josa Barck the song grew out of frustration with the music business that he had become a part of. All the arrogance and conceit killed his joy of being a musician and his motivation to keep going.
It has been extremely liberating for me to accept, that I will probably never be one of the cool kids – In fact I never was, and I sort of always knew that – But I’ve made peace with it. And when you finally do – It ́s like setting yourself free from always having to live up to some strange ideal of what it means to be a musician and an artist. Not having to go to the right parties and being a success – in a very very specific way and accepting the game. To sing – “I don’t care about You” – over and over has grown into almost a mantra for me, that reminds me that success is a very nuanced thing – and something you get to define all on your own.